2 December 2015

The Woman's Voice in Today's Culture

Where is the woman's voice in this world?  This is the passion of Jean Shinoda Bolen, author of the book 'Goddesses in Everywoman', to enable and energise what women can bring to the problems of our world today.  She gave a talk to the C G Jung Club London on Friday 27 November about the  indomitable independence of spirit women have, illustrated so well in the myth of the Greek Goddess Artemis,  Where is the woman's voice in the British Parliament today as they discuss whether Britain should bomb Syria?  She posited that it needs  the fighting spirit that all women have in them, somewhere, even if they have not found it, to balk against this warring trend.  It may seem to be a fruitless task, but calling upon Rupert Sheldrake's theory of Morphic Fields, she said how there is an accumulation of individual voices which then results in a tipping point of it having a major effect.  You may be the 14th voice, but without that, there cannot be the 15th voice an so on, until it is the 100th voice, when the culture changes (from the myth of the 100 monkeys).  It is a symbolic myth, the actual numbers are probably much greater, but the journey is the same.
Jean is a Jungian analyst, as such she believes that men have female characteristics inside them that, to be whole, need to be acknowledged and used,  The route to doing that is often to be exposed to women who they feel for - Zeus dearly loved Artemis. 
She was an inspirational voice.

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