4 December 2015

Beautifully Unique

Miranda Hart, on Desert Island Discs Radio 4 Extra Sunday 29th November, said it was a long time before she could look in the mirror and say to herself she was "beautifully unique".
The day before, Jean Shinoda Bolen gave a seminar to the C G Jung Club London entitled 'Path with Soul / Path with Heart - The Inner Compass'.  Her theme was that each person is unique in their particular mix of God-given characteristics ('God-given' used here because it is a well-known phrase - but it is not meant to mean the God of any particular religion, but whatever understanding of the Divine each individual has a sense of) and the importance of valuing, seeing as beautiful, whatever we are.  With the exigencies of the culture of the day, all too often our God-given self becomes hidden or distorted from even ourselves.
Jung said that analysts should put to the side everything they have 'learnt', because, if not, stereotyping can set in, which goes against appreciating the uniqueness of the client and helping them to realise they are "beautifully unique".

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