18 January 2017

Club Fellowhip

The speaker for the talk tomorrow evening (Thursday 19 January) has had to cancel.  Luckily - the gods are with us - Jim Fitzgerald has very kindly stepped into the breach and will give a talk on the Grimm fairy tale Hans the Hedgehog.  He is a well known and popular speaker in Jungian circles and embodies the fellowship of the Club in doing this. 

16 January 2017

Unblocking the resistance to dealing with the climate crisis

This Thursday, 19th January, Sarah Halford will give a talk to the C G Jung Club London entitled 'Psyche's Seasons: Jungian Psychology and Climate Crisis'.  The evidence is becoming more and more clear that we are in a crisis situation ecologically, yet, for some reason, the motivation is not there en masse to do enough about it.  I would suggest this is to do with our 'dislocated psyches', with so many being out of touch with true nature, both their own personal one and with nature in the world.  In Jungian psychology, everything is connected with everything, so the two aspects go together.  Sarah tackles this by offering useful new perspectives informed by the bridges Jungian psychology and Celtic myths can offer toward a renewed orientation to the planet and to the suffering embedded on each dislocate psyche.